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VISION XL Rules Demo: Business Rules in Excel demo

This model shows one way to simulate business rules using Microsoft Excel. As the user enters data into the IF fields in cells C7 and C8, the rules fire and display the correct answers in the THEN fields in cells C12-14. Using this approach of a rule engine in Excel, the end user can test, verify, and simulate the business rules before handing them over to IT for programming into the Business Rule Engine or legacy programming language.

The sample decision tree below right is an image that was pasted from Visio. This would look a lot better in our RuleMap format. The rules on this tree were programmed into Excel (you don't see the rules on this screen print). You can see the results or the output of those rules as the user fills in the answers in the cells. 


RuleMap™ was demonstrated at October Rules Fest 2008 in Dallas, TX.


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